Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Tomato Bank

Weird but true,this is tomato bank.Don'tget nervous this is not vegetables market its still a bank.Basically the creative or innovative thinking of tomato banks decides to use the name which is weird but true.The orignal name of this was Sanio Mutual Bank.It is basically the japenese bank and it is also situated in Japan.

According to the spoker of the Tomato Bank before choosing the name of bank they gather information not only locally but also internationally that either that name is being used by another bank or not.Then they used that name.And Tomato Bank is gaining popularity much more than with the previous name Sanio Mutual Bank.

Well best of luck Tomato Bank,let's seehow far could yousucced and gain popularity and customers.Because in the end,bank only needs is money isn't it?


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