Tuesday, 28 February 2012

A 22 Million Dollar Letter

This worth million dollar letter was written to the president name Frankelin Rose Wallet from the legend of science called Einstein.This letter was written in 12 august in 1939.And that letter was sold in dec 1986 at the cost of 22 million dollar.The letter cost is weird but true.

Even though this was pretty old but still that letter has price.Because every body has price.Basically in this letter it was written and appealed about the preparation atom bomb at that time.Because those were the days when 2nd world war was about to start in later period.The person who bought this weird but true letter is none other than a billionaire publisher named Melcum Foremz.

According to Melcum Foremz he still own that letter and has preserved in his libarary.This indeed is the world's expensive letter written to some one.


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